A Variety of things!
In addition to the regular activities listed below, the Men@Burks are present for almost every church function making sure things go smoothly. From the Live Nativity, to church dinners, the annual BBQ fundraiser with the Scouts and more, Men@Burks are in integral part of the ministries at Burks United Methodist Church!
Men@Burks host a churchwide breakfast on the second Saturday of each month at 8:30am in the gym at Burks. They provide a delicious breakfast, free of charge or for a donation which supports the many ministries they provide. After breakfast, different speakers from organizations around Hamilton County come to share about their organizations. Sometimes the speakers provide information that is useful for people, and other times they share their needs for volunteers for those that would like to get involved.
On any given day, you will likely see a member of Men@Burks on our property fixing things or doing some sort of yard work. As is the case with most older buildings, there is always something that needs attention at Burks. We are extremely grateful for the dedication of these men, and how much their talents allow us to be better stewards of church funds for our various ministries. This small paragraph is sadly lacking in representing the amount of work they do for Burks! If you are "handy" and would like to help in this way, this is the group for you! Contact Jim Rochelle for more information at jkrckr@comcast.net.
You will find this ministry under this page, as well as on our Missions page, because it really is both. It is run by Men@Burks but is an invaluable service to our community as it helps people stay warm during the winter. Men@Burks cut and split hardwood on a regular basis to replenish our supply, as well as delivering firewood. Some wood goes to people who donate money while other wood is donated to people in need. Donations support Burks Youth Ministry. If you want to help with this ministry, or are aware of someone who could benefit from a wood delivery, please contact the church office at 423-842-4219.
Men@Burks have a virtual weekly prayer breakfast on Tuesday mornings at 8:30am. This group used to meet in person prior to COVID, but realized it works better for them to be able to make some coffee and/or breakfast, and just go to their computers in the comfort of their own homes. It also allows out of town members to participate. To get the log-in information, contact Dan at bolanddj@comcast.net.